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Dr. Beverly Yates ND
is an internationally acclaimed diabetes expert who uses The Yates Protocol to help people get control over their blood sugar, reclaim their energy, and enjoy life again. Many people feel hopeless in their struggles to control their blood sugar. In fact, when people who have type 2 diabetes do seek help, all too often they are shamed and blamed by the doctors and health professionals they consult, who make assumptions about them without first seeking to understand what’s behind the chronically high blood sugar levels that affect many other areas of health. There is no “shaming and blaming” here. It’s been my experience that for most people, there are 2 key lifestyle aspects (other than nutrition and exercise) they don’t know about that make a profound difference in blood sugar control.
The Yates Protocol was developed over the course of her 30-plus-year clinical career, using the Systems Approach from her prior career as an MIT-trained Electrical Engineer. Dr. Yates wanted to help the growing number of new patients who wanted to get control of their blood sugar, naturally.
The Yates Protocol has helped thousands of people around the world to get control of their blood sugar, and I’d like to help you, too. I invite you to take action right now. You can schedule the free, no-obligation consultation call and download the free Blueprint to take your next step to get control of your blood sugar numbers.